Saturday, May 2, 2009


On Friday the children of Model 2B worked together to brainstorm possible names for The Barnyard Buddies. The children worked in pairs came up with a list of names that they liked. We then voted to find the most popular names.

The cow names and votes:
Spotty (1)
Hot Rod (3)
Cowie (1)
Ratchet (5)
Bee (1)
Ray (1)
Patchy (2)
Crash (1)
Isabella (3)

The horse names and votes:
Snowy (1)
Spy (0)
Tex (1)
Clank (13)
Digger (0)
Joshua (0)
Dean (0)
Bolt (1)
Bella (1)

After great excitement and cheers we named the cow "Ratchet" and the horse "Clank".


  1. Hello model 2B. I am looking forward to reading about the adventures of Ratchet and Clank (I'm sure I played a game called that once).

  2. Tena koutou Model 2B
    I wonder who is going to get Ratchet and Clank this weekend. Make sure they don't get wet feet, I mean hoofs, in the pouring rain.

  3. Congratulations Carolyn :) i hope you have an awesome weekend with Ratchet and Clank, looking forward to hearing about how many fun adventures they have with you cool dudes in Model 2B :) Charlotte
