Monday, June 29, 2009



When The Barnyard Buddies went to the blood test store they were both very scared but Ratchet saw a spinseat. "Hey look Clank", said Ratchet. "What is it?", said Clank shivering. "Would you like to try that spinseat?" "Okay", said Clank. "Ahhhhh!" "Stop!", cried The Barnyard Buddies as it sent them flying into the bed. When the blood test was over they got in the car. When they were at my house Ratchet fell onto my piano. "AAAAHH!" they both cried as it sent Clank tumbling from the left of the piano and Ratchet banged himself straight on top of the piano so hard that the whole house shook. Then Clank and Ratchet suddenly didn't look in front of them and suddenly toppled backwards into a super power electronic energy blanket. "Help us" they screamed. "We can't get out". ZOOM! the blanket went as it rolled outside. BANG! Bounce! Roll! Smash! Crack! Clang! Boink! Bounce! CRASH! The door banged open and the blanket rolled on the roof and the blanket rolled into my chair and it toppled backwards onto the blanket. This stopped the blanket from rolling. Ratchet and Clank went under the blanket and went into the hallway. But a knight who had marched out of the bedroom stood right in their way. "Whooo daares tooo cooome heere", it boomed. "I'm Clank, and this is Ratchet", introduced Clank. "Weeel yooour nooot gooiiong tooo coome paaast meeee". "Oh yeah?", asked Ratchet as he kicked the knight as hard as he could. "That'll teach you a lesson", said Clank, looking at the dead knight. Then Clank saw a fruit bowl. "Hey Ratchet", he said. I'm going up there to eat some fruit in that basket". Would you like to come up there and eat some fruit?" "No thanks", said Ratchet.


We went to the caravan as soon as 9 o'clock struck. "I'm getting sle-aaahh-py", The Barnyard Buddies said. They closed their eyes and went to sleep. When we got to the camping ground Mum and Dad unpacked everything that went into the caravan and while they were doing that, Darcy, Ratchet, Clank and I all climbed a steep, muddy bank. When we got to the top we slid back down. Whheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The Barnyard Buddies squealed when we were almost at the bottom. The Barnyard Buddies started jumping on the ground, went into the caravan and went on a bedsill. "You know, this is too boring to sit on", said Ratchet. "Yeah", said Clank. So when they hopped off the bedsill they went onto the bed. Then they jumped back. It was steaming hot. Then we went to a restaurant and Ratchet and Clank played ball.


On Sunday we went to Lake Wanaka and The Barnyard Buddies went with us. We threw lots of stones in the lake. But I'm very sorry that The Barnyard Buddies got dirty. The Barnyard Buddies liked the pillow that we brought and liked meeting some new places. Dad said it would take 3 1/2 hours to get from Wanaka to Dunedin. I'm afraid it's time to go. I hope Ratchet and Clank would like visiting another person's house. Goodbye, Barnyard Buddies.


The Barnyard Buddies have been on so many fun adventures that Miss B decided it might be time for them to have a wash. Clank had Cocopops in his mane and Ratchet's fur was looking more black and brown than black and white! So after school on Monday, Miss B's packed up The Barnyard Buddies and took them home to her house. Miss B knew The Barnyard Buddies were great swimmers and that they would have a fabulous time in the washing machine. They came out sparkling clean and happily relaxed in front of Miss B's fire to get dry. Now that they have been pampered they are ready for their next adventure. I wonder where they will be going for their holidays????

Sunday, June 21, 2009


MASON'S WEEKEND - June 19th 2009

The Barnyard Buddies story is just about to begin. On Friday we went to the Library and played in the play section with the cushions and the blocks. They helped pick out some books. At night they watched TV and played lego with me. We all snuggled in bed together and went to sleep.

On Saturday: They sat in my car and watched me play rugby and then came with me to get my medal for player of the day!

On Sunday: We all played snap while my Buddies wore my medal. They also had a little play with Tevita. Bye now!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The Barnyard Buddies went on an extremely exciting adventure today to the Araiteuru Marae. They got to travel on the bus in Miss Barnett's backpack. They were then welcomed onto the marae. They loved the powhiri but they thought the kai was even better! Next The Barnyard Buddies went and found out about weaving harakeke (flax), listened to stories and played fun string games. Although it was a bit tricky The Barnyard Buddies thought the taiaha was really cool. The Barnyard Buddies were exhausted after their big adventure and they fell asleep on the bus ride home (along with 5 of the other M2B kids!)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Friday 12th of June

Today Clank and Ratchet made some new friends. They are Blossom and Bubble from The Power Puff Girls, Barbie, Bear, Mashimoros, Jinging, sheep, cow and frog. We have lots of fun together. We played catch and we watched movies.

Saturday 13th of June

The Barnyard Buddies followed me to the market. At the market, Clank and Ratchet had some carrots. After lunch, I brought them to the Botantical Garden. We fed the ducks and played at the playground. Clank and Ratchet liked the swing very much. At night, we went to Boen's house.

Sunday 14th of June

Clank and Ratchet had a group photo session. I taught Ratchet how to play the keyboard and my sister taught Clank.

The Barnyard Buddies will be leaving tomorrow and I will miss them. I hope to see them again. Bye bye Clank. Bye bye Ratchet.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Friday 5th June 2009

Just as The Barnyard Buddies arrived at their next stop (my house), they met a terrible dragon (Drago). They were so scared they ran away. Just then they got sucked into a super strong energy. "Help us", they squealed. "We're stuck". Whooooooosh, they flew onto the trampoline. Boink! Boink! Boink! They flew into the air. Ratchet thought of a sneaky idea to scare Clank. He found a scary helmet to scare him. He stood still then..... "Boooo!!!!!!" "Ahhhhhh!" "You should of seen the look on your face". "Okay, that's enough. Look at that cool game over there". Do you want to go play it?". "Sure". So off they set off to play the cool game they found. After that they found an evil ghost "Dooo noot cooome heere", the ghost said. "But we need to come here to save our friends Cookie Muncher and Ray". "Who trapped them?" "A terrible dragon and two knights". "Well I'm not going to let you come here and that's final". "Well not for long", shouted Ratchet. Boom!!! Ratchet sprung into the air and smashed his horns right into the ghost. "Curse you!" "Well we took care of him", Ratchet said. "But now we have to beat that dragon", continued Clank.

Saturday 6th June 2009

"Ok, there they are, we need you to distract them and I'll push him over", said Ratchet. "Ok". "Let's go". "Blah, blah, blah", blahed Clank. Push. "Whaaaah", cried the knights. "Clank kick him" whispered Ratchet. "Roar", screamed the dragon. "No, not that stupid energy ball again", shouted Clank. "I've got an idea. You reflect the energy with your hoof and I'll reflect it with my horn". "Thank you", said Cookie Muncher. "Now we have to go somewhere else". "Let's see if we can all fit into the bag".

Sunday 7th June 2009

On Sunday The Barnyard Buddies went to the beach house. Sadly we couldn't take any photos because the camera wasn't working. Oh well. I think we already took a bit too many photos, anyway I bet The Barnyard Buddies liked the soft velvet blanket and they liked meeting some new friends Cookie Muncher and Ray. I bet The Barnyard Buddies will have a fantastic time. Goodbye, goodbye. See you next time the buddies of the barnyard.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


As soon as I got to my Dad's office The Barnyard Buddies got a spin in the electronic umbrella. Next we drew tattoos on Walle, then I got out my seal (Brian), my teddy (Paddington) and my unicorn (Fluff), my duck (Bill) and my pony (Pinky Pie) and played a game. Soon we went to a movie called "Children of the Winter" but first we watched Charles play a computer game. Then we watched the television. Oops I almost forgot, we got my knight puppet (Knighty) out. We made some noise with our rain maker and we read a book, ate dinner, and then it was nap time but it wasn't because we played games. We wrote a story in our journal and we looked through the telescope. We went in the car for a ride. "Weeeeee! Ahhh! I'm stuck in a shoe. Help, help, help!" After we got back from the movies we had a tea party. They were really rude and kept on burping. They watched me play soccer and we ate lollies. We went shopping. We wrote a song and it goes like this:

Will you hold me tight?
Swing me like the leaves on a tree
Yip, that's me
Di Di Diii di x2
Like a tree

We went a little too crazy and started jumping on the bed singing Choo Choo Cha Boogie. We're going to have a bath because we are so muddy for soccer!

The Barnyard Buddies had lots of fun at Katherine's house but I bet we're going to have more fun at the next person's house!